Well tomorrow is the day I finally leave for Uganda!

I can’t thank everybody enough for the support I’ve been given over the past few weeks and months whilst I’ve been preparing to go to Uganda – financially, through prayer, and just generally giving me encouraging words and adding to the excitement! After a few hours of packing, rearranging and weighing suitcases, I've now got 3 cases ready and packed full of bandages, medicines, bubbles, bouncy balls, colouring books, crayons and much more!

I’ve tried to take some time over the last couple of days amongst all the excitement to remember why I’m really going on this trip. It’s not about me, it’s about God, and doing what He has called me to do, and that is to share His love with others.

I don’t know what the next two weeks have in store, and whilst that’s scary in a way it’s also massively exciting. I don’t think we can ever be 100% ready for these trips so as I head off tomorrow I keep this verse in mind, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me”, Philippians 4:13.
29/10/2013 07:47:54 pm

Have a fantastic, blessed time away xx

30/10/2013 06:48:24 am

Have a fantastic time Becky! We're all proud of you for saving lives. Go Doctor Hancock! Xxx


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