Hello! Thanks for taking time to visit this blog which I’ve set up mainly to keep people updated with the plans for my next trip to Africa which is happening later this year. Many of you who know me will know that I have a bit of a soft spot for Africa and I just can’t seem to stay away for that long :)

This will be my third journey to Africa. My first adventure was in 2010 when I spent 6 weeks working at a mission hospital in Northern Cameroon, and last year I went to Ghana for 2 weeks on a medical mission trip going out into villages and putting on free clinics with a team of other health professionals. These were both incredible experiences, and I’ve always struggled to put into words exactly why this is but I hope the fact that I’m frequently talking about wanting to go back speaks for itself!

Many people have asked me why I choose to spend large chunks of my annual leave going over to work in Africa rather than choosing a more relaxing holiday option. There’s just something about the culture and people of Africa that’s so warm and inviting, and despite these trips being pretty tiring, they’re also incredibly refreshing and it just feels like the right thing to do.
Time and time again I am reminded of this amazing verse from Isaiah, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”” (Isaiah 6:8).

My trip this time is to Uganda in the first 2 weeks of November, and I’m very excited to be visiting a part of Africa which is brand new to me.

The charity I am travelling with is called Empower A Child, which works in both Uganda and Kenya, primarily with children and young people.  More than 50% of the population of Uganda is under the age of 16. Approximately 2.3 million of these children are orphans due to decades of war, AIDS and other diseases, and 1 million children alone are orphaned due to the AIDS epidemic. The average child in Uganda has just 4.7 years of schooling. 
Empower A Child aims to reach some of these children through projects and outreaches based in schools, babies’ and children’s homes and local communities. The work they do includes feeding, teaching, playing games, sharing bible stories, prayer and worship, and health education. Every week over 200 children are reached through these projects. During my time in Uganda I will be joining in all of these projects but also spending some time carrying out medical clinics for the children.

Over the next few weeks I will be doing some more research about exactly where I’m going and getting a more detailed itinerary of my 2 weeks and the work I’ll be doing. I’ll also be starting to collect various supplies I’ll be taking out with me to use whilst I’m there and also donate to the projects, for example, medical supplies, school equipment, books, toys, toothbrushes, toothpaste…...

I’ll be trying to keep this blog updated fairly regularly so tune in soon for the next instalment! :)

11/8/2013 06:21:11 am

Hey Becky

Sounds fab am so excited for you! I'm starting to get itchy feet & looking into a mission trip next year maybe Kenya?

Would love to hear all about it so keep me posted!
Take care gemx

26/8/2013 04:48:46 am

Hi Becky

I really look foward to hearing about year trip to Uganda. I went out myself last year with another charty and had an amazing time.

If there anything you would like to know that you think my help feel free to contact me.



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