So I'm finally here in Uganda! I'm very thankful to have had a straightforward journey, making it successfully to Uganda with all 70kg of luggage! I got straight to work just 8 hours after arriving here with 3 days of outreach in a village called Zirobwe, about an hour away from where I'm staying. One of the most amazing and overwhelming things about my time here so far is experiencing the love of the Ugandan people, especially the children. It's hard to walk outside for more than 2 minutes without feeling a little hand slip into yours or feel a little person tugging at your skirt to be picked up.

I've been doing some medical clinics in the villages for the children. This is certainly a different experience to running a clinic in the UK - yesterday I sat on the grass in middle of a village dressing children's wounds while about 6 children plaited my hair and another 4 climbed into my lap, and an audience of about 50 children sat around watching in fascination. The children are so hungry for love and it feels quite overwhelming at times but it's such a blessing to be here and be able to reach out to at least some of them.

Today I had a day off so I went with a couple of other missionary girls to explore some of Kampala. We rode a bodaboda which was a scary experience but fun, though I'm not sure if I'll do it again!

Tomorrow I'm going to a primary school in one of the slum areas of Kampala to do some medical work but also to maybe try my hand at teaching - we'll see how that goes! Then I'm spending a few days at a children's rehabilitation hospital in Kampala to give a helping hand where I can.

I can't really give justice to the awesomeness of this experience in the words of this blog but I hope I can at least give some idea of what I'm getting up to. Thank you all so much for your support and prayers :)

Sarah Lou
4/11/2013 02:57:12 am

I think what you're doing is amazing Becky!! I'd love to be making a difference if I could.. Sending lots of love & hugs Sarah Lou xx


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